My Prayer For The Future

Dear God,
In this life we are not promised tomorrow; for tomorrow might never come.

But just in case it does, would you please answer my prayer.

There’s one thing I’ve learned and that is life can change in a moment.

May I rest my troubled mind in your hands. The uncertainties, the unknown,
the fears; may I be assured that if tomorrow does come, that I am in your
hands and all is well.

The future seems so vast, so big, so overwhelming that in my own strength
I realize I could not walk this journey alone. So, on those days would you
please carry me. When my tears flow down my cheeks like a river, would
you please wipe them dry.

The future is not mine, but yours. May I always trust that you will hold my
future and I can rest assured that I’m in Your Hands.

Thanks God,