My Prayer For The Future

Dear God,
In this life we are not promised tomorrow; for tomorrow might never come.

But just in case it does, would you please answer my prayer.

There’s one thing I’ve learned and that is life can change in a moment.

May I rest my troubled mind in your hands. The uncertainties, the unknown,
the fears; may I be assured that if tomorrow does come, that I am in your
hands and all is well.

The future seems so vast, so big, so overwhelming that in my own strength
I realize I could not walk this journey alone. So, on those days would you
please carry me. When my tears flow down my cheeks like a river, would
you please wipe them dry.

The future is not mine, but yours. May I always trust that you will hold my
future and I can rest assured that I’m in Your Hands.

Thanks God,

My Prayer For Today

Dear God,
I know I’m not asking too much; for nothing is impossible with you.

May I find sunshine through the clouds.
Light in the darkness.
Wisdom for my unanswered questions.
Hope, when it seems all hope is gone.
Faith when my faith is small.
Healing for all my hurts and ills.
Forgiveness to move on.
And love when I just need a hug.

So God,
If you’re listening today and you decide to answer my prayer;

May I spread sunshine to someone else’s cloudy day.
Shine my light to illuminate the darkness.
Wisdom to help someone find their way.
Spread hope to those feeling hopeless.
Offer faith that can move mountains.
Healing for those who are hurting and in pain.
Help others to find forgiveness.
May I never be afraid to give someone a hug; for God is Love

Thanks God,