Lauren’s Chair

There is something quite surreal about ordering a wheelchair for your child. You sit matter of factly as you choose colours and options. Lauren chose hot pink and purple. You see, to her, this is just like any other normal that she knows. And let’s face it, she makes even a wheelchair look cute! I hold back pinned up emotion and smile my teethy smile as we ‘design’ Lauren’s next form of mobility. Two years ago when we purchased her Kimba stroller chair, we had hoped that by the time she outgrew it, she’d be at least taking steps. Not so…
So, we applaud as she ‘test drives’ a couple suggested options and finally agree that the ‘Zippy’ is our choice. There is an hot pink zippy in Lauren’s future and for her, I have to keep smiling big, clapping loudly; fighting back my heartbreak as I continue to pretend that it’s all ok. Maybe one day, I’ll love her hot pink chair, but for now I must focus on its precious cargo that would have no mobility otherwise. It sure is a lot to process and it’s a coming to terms with reality. One step at a time..

Written by Mommy