Applause For Easter Seals!

I remember so clearly, as a little girl, getting Easter seals come in the mail. At that time, I could not have realized the importance that this non-profit organization would have in my life. 
There are so many worthy charities that depend on our giving in order to carry out their programs. I now have to promote those dearest to us.
Yesterday, after returning a sample Walker to the Janeway because it is not suitable for Lauren, I felt defeated because they had few other options on site. The ‘Cadillac’ Walker that Lauren could benefit most from for school, will run us anywhere from $5000 to $8000. 
Not doable right now… So off we went to the storage room of donated walkers at the Easter Seals. Because people kindly donate equipment, once it’s outgrown by some other precious child, we were able to take home a basic frame Walker that we will try our best to use with Lauren until other options open up. 
The Easter Seals provide so much for our children with all kinds of disabilities and sometimes it’s easy to overlook this special building nestled in Mount Scio. Please remember that every donation to them, in turn, benefits children like Lauren, allowing them access to camps, sports and fun events that ensure they are all TRULY included, not just on paperwork!
A big thank you to the friendly staff and supporters of the Easter Seals, for all you do for those with disabilities, including my precious Lauren!!