A Condensed Version of “My Story”

Four years ago my life took on a new normal. Prior to this I always suffered with bouts of depression throughout my lifetime. But always lived a fairly normal, functional life. A trip to my family doctor and I would be ok again.

But this relapse/episode took on an whole new meaning of the word depression. I experienced a total shut down of my brain and physical body. After 28 years of having my own business, I could no longer work, I was totally disabled.

I was seen weekly by my psychiatrist who tried for months to find a medication or a cocktail of drugs that would even eleviate some of my symptoms. I was diagnosed with clinical depression and major anxiety disorder; for which there is no cure. It was confirmed that I was treatment resistant and nothing was working and I was only getting worse.

I was hospitalized for a period of time for assessment where they decided because of my high anxiety levels; I would be best treated from home. My doctors then decided to try ECT; Electrol Convulsive Therapy.this is where they would shock your brain with an electric current to induce a grandmal seizure, hoping to reboot my brain. After seven treatments I was only getting worse and therefore they decided to stop the ECT treatment. At that time I lost a lot of my memory, I recall little about those days.

We ran out of options and our world was crashing down around us to a point where we had to move to Bay Roberts. Amidst all this darkness and turmoil we were blessed with a baby girl, only to find out on her first birthday that she was diagnosed with cereabal palsy. The fear, uncertainty, unbelief that we felt was inexplainable. Here was a family with a little boy who we so desperately to shelter from all this chaos and turmoil; but we were falling apart.

In our human minds we could not understand or comprehend why God was allowing all this to happen. We were hanging by a thread. We questioned why? God where are you? We felt like we were left alone and God was nowhere to be found. But you see when you are in a storm of this magnitude your thoughts are distorted. For we knew deep down that God was there, we weren’t alone, because He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.

With all the change that had taken place in my life; it only exasperated my illness to a point where I hit rock bottom. Nothing left but flesh and bones, no will to live; I just wanted to die. And I prayed to God to just let me die.

But that was not God’s plan, he had a purpose. I remember one Sunday morning I got up and I knew that day I would die or things would change. I told Lisa to arrange a way for me to get to church. I was so weak and had to be basically carried. A chair was placed at the front of the church, at the altar, I had to get there. This was my last hope! And I did and from that time on I gradually saw glimmers of hope through all the darkness. I realized that God was my only option.

I still struggle to this day but I know He’s holding my hand. And we don’t walk alone. I place my life in His hands, I give Him Logan, Lauren and Lisa. I can’t do this alone, I put my trust in Him, that He knows what’s best. I take one day at a time and give Him the rest.

Today I’m an advocate for mental illness. It’s my goal to break down the walls of stigma that go along with this illness. And be a voice for those who suffer in silence. We have nothing to be ashamed of. I have a broken mind, no different then if I had diabetes, heart trouble, kidney failure, etc. Things go wrong with any organ in your body and your brain is no different. It’s just the way society looks at it, it’s stigmatized. If I could give you my illness for just one moment; you would look at mental illness in an whole new light. And the walls of stigma and ignorance would come down!

Logan’s Birthday!!!

On March 14th,2017 it was Logan’s 6th Birthday! What a blast! He’s become quite the man. His theme for the party was Star Wars.

Lauren’s Benefit Breakfast

On March 11,2017 the generous people of Triton held a Benefit Breakfast for Lauren. They raised over $3200.00. Our hearts are overwhelmed once again with gratitude and thanks. It’s times like this you realize how good people are! Lauren and her family want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

What I’ve Learned About Depression

Depression is not the same for everyone.  My symptoms of depression  could be totally different then someone  elses. My most prominent symptoms were  uncontrollable emotion , sadness and hopelessness. Someone else’s could be totally different.

The duration of my depression could be different then someone else. Some people may only experience depression for a few months and may never experience it again. But others like myself may experience depression for long periods of time. My first episode was when I was sixteen and up until my last episode, I had several  throughout my lifetime. But I always seemed to manage to crawl out of the dark hole and live a functional life. Up until 4-5 years ago (I’m 52 now) I experienced the worst  episode of my life. It was an episode where I was totally shut down as it were. This does not mean that everyone will experience what I did and I pray they never will. I still struggle to this day; not to the extreme that I did at the beginning of my breakdown, but I still struggle.

Medication doesn’t always work for everyone. I was treatment resistant, so medication did not always work for me. It took years (2-3) for me to find something that remotely alleviated some of my symptoms. Nothing was a cure!  I am still not back to a functioning level where I could live a “normal” life. My depression  is not what you would say to be “under control”. So I have to fight every day to have some form of normalcy to my life.

Depression can destroy your life, that’s why you have to fight for your life! And there are days when you feel like that fight is depleted. It can destroy relationships, marriages and  friendships.  Some people cannot cope with this dreaded disease and just “run”. They can’t take it anymore. For caregivers of someone with mental illness this is very common. The stress, the strain and the strength it takes just becomes too overwhelming. Everyone has a breaking point.

There is no one exempt from depression. If you have this gene, if this is a part of your anatomy or its inherited through your family bloodline then you can exercise til the cows come home, do yoga til it’s coming out your ears or think positive thoughts until they come out of your yen yang(wherever that is). If you are prone to have depression, then you will. But learning to live with it is a must. Doing all those things I mentioned will certainly help,  I’m just saying they will not cure you. Sometimes I believe that accepting it relieves some of the strain of living with depression. Because fighting “all of the time” can leave you lifeless. It’s like a car, if you keep going, the gasoline will eventually run out.

Not everyone will understand your illness, they just won’t “get it”. Don’t even waste your time trying. Surround yourself with people that do. Don’t be shocked when you encounter someone close to you, whom you thought would  understand but didn’t . Some people , especially if they haven’t encountered depression or any mental illness, just won’t get it. That’s no reflection on you but on their ignorance ( not knowing). And just leave it at that!

Life is not on a plateau or a level plane. It is more like a roller coaster. Everybody experiences ups and downs. Those dealing with depression probably have more downs then ups. But we have to realize it’s all a part of life. The good, the bad, the ugly.  So whether we suffer from depression or not; we will have ups and downs to our moods. Just remember when you are experiencing a up; enjoy it to the fullest.

In conclusion , everyone’s journey is different!  For some people medication is a must. For others, long term psychotherapy might be the answer.  Whatever works! What I am  suggesting is that everyone has a path to healing and the main thing is to find it and never give up!
Continue reading “What I’ve Learned About Depression”

Lauren says, Thank you!

The traditional African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”, has just recently been reenacted in an amazing outpouring of kindness. It’s simple really; Lauren Tucker, a 3 year old little girl, diagnosed with cerebral palsy; along with her family, needed help purchasing a wheelchair accessible van. Special thanks goes out to The President’s Choice Children’s Charity for their monumental $20 000 contribution! Yet, without at least an additional $20 000, the dream could not materialize.
However, we, Harris, Lisa, Logan and Lauren Tucker, are ecstatic to report that because of overwhelming support from local businesses and generous individuals, we have reached, and even slightly surpassed, our $20 000 goal!
We have purchased a 2015 fully wheelchair accessible Dodge Grand Caravan in brand new-like condition! This vehicle provides much comfort and peace of mind, especially on frequent highway trips to Janeway appointments!
The monies received beyond our goal, help to cover registration and insurance, as well as much needed mobility aids and other costly physiotherapy equipment that Lauren frequently requires.
The sticker on the back of our van has these words, “This wheelchair accessible van was purchased by LOVE”. Thank you seems insufficient, but from the bottom of our hearts, we realize the blessing it is to be part of such a compassionate community of family, friends and yes, even strangers who have banded together in support of our family!
Alone, our van would still be a dream. Because of Lauren’s village’s investment in raising a child, the African Proverb came true, once again, and the dream has become an amazing reality! Continue reading “Lauren says, Thank you!”

Relapse Prevention

Depression like addiction is an ongoing  chronic condition that is subject to repeated episodes. My first episode was when I was only sixteen , I remember very little about this time. I do remember I spent most of my time asleep and could not function. Totally shut down. I also remember going to the doctor and have him send me home with no help whatsoever. He just said, “there is no medications available for teenagers or youth. There was no help, I had to sink or swim and I was sinking fast; drowning in my own despair!

Recovery from depression is not a one time event, it is an ongoing process. Getting out of depression happens in two stages; 1. You have to get out of hell, 2. You have to stay out of hell. The best way to prevent a relapse is to closely monitor your own feelings and mood.

The beginning stage of a relapse is disruption of sleep, appetite change, more tired, worrying, apathetic, etc. Being aware of these early signs and nipping them in the bud, before they escalate into something worse is a must.

The second stage of a relapse is called “beginning of a crisis” when things are shutting down. When symptoms are interfering with your everyday  functioning. Reach out for support; call your doctor, your therapist  or anyone you know that can help you through this. This stage is my greatest fear because you feel like you are loosing control again. And you are heading back to that ugly place where you never want to go again. This stage doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where you’re headed. It’s your body and mind saying, “you come first, take care of yourself”. Before you ever get to stage three you need to be proactive.

This is stage three where you don’t want to be ever again. But if you do, don’t loose hope! You will get through this; you’ve done this before.  This is where you can’t function anymore, you become disabled; a full blown relapse. It’s here you may need to go back in the hospital. Or have someone  to take care of you at home. But you will pull through this again. Just don’t give up the fight,never loose hope.

Throughout my lifetime I have had many second stage relapses or episodes as I would call them. Where I became very depressed and required  medical attention. A visit to my doctor usually to tweek my medication and in a few months I’m doing fairly well again. Most of those times I am still at a functioning level. I ran my own business for about 28 years. Take a few days off,here and there, and do a lot of self-talk, family and friends support and pray.

My last episode was a full blown relapse where I was hospitalized, various treatments, medications and a period of time when I didn’t want to fight anymore; I just wanted to die. It as taken me four years to crawl out of this abyss. To say the least this as been a battlefield of the mind. I have fought with every ounce of strength I have.

These pass few days have been very fearful for me; it’s my greatest fear in life that I would relapse. I’ve been doing fairly well for the last few months. But this week as been rough, I am feeling more emotional than usual, uneasy, a feeling that you know inside that something is just not right. You have to push yourself more than usual.  I’m hoping that it’s a trigger that I’m facing and not a full blown relapse. You see our dog, Brady, passed away a few days ago and maybe what  I’m feeling is grief and loneliness. He was not “just” a dog, he was a part of our family for twelve years. So I pray to God, in all His mercy, that He will not put me through a relapse ever again. And that I will overcome this battle once again! Maybe this is just a bump in the road.