Another year as come and gone, where does the time go? I’m sure the older I get, the faster the time goes. The year certainly brought with it many ups and downs, many challenges and accomplishments. It’s funny that no matter what happens in life; time just keeps moving on. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time or slow it down but that I have no control over. Let’s reminisce for a while and review the past year in a nutshell.
Logan and Lauren have thrived over the past year. Oh how they have grown, I can’t believe how they have gone from little kids to independent little rascals; each with their own and unique little personalities, gotta love it! Logan as adjusted quite well to moving to a new school, better then I could have imagined, let’s keep our fingers crossed. Miss Lauren just loves school, she’s quite the social butterfly, school is one of her “happy places”. While Logan as become quite the techie and speaks a language of technology that is foreign to me, Lauren as gone in a completely opposite direction. Her beam of light, a place where she just shines, is her horseback riding. It’s her magical place, a place where she can throw away her wheelchair and experience the freedom of moving on a four legged champion; her “Willow”.

When it comes to my own mental health, not much has changed. It’s best summarized in a text that I sent to a friend who was inquiring about my mental health. “I’m doing okay, every day is a conscious effort to be okay; it doesn’t come naturally. So each day is a struggle, some more then others”. Since there is no cure for my mental illness, I have to accept that each day I will have to make a conscious effort to be okay. There will be days worse then others; so when I get a “good” day I will enjoy it to the fullest. Again I want to speak to those who are having a not so good day, to hang in there and not give up; tomorrow may be your “good” day. It is what it is; an illness that really sucks! So stay strong and breathe.
Looking forward to 2025 with a vision of hope, love and peace for us all. Every life matters, the world is a better place because you are in it! Spreading much love and kindness to all.