“Tis The Season To Be Jolly”

For countless thousands around the world, those suffering from Depression, this season is not so jolly. When you suffer from depression, no amount of Christmas cheer can change how you feel  on the inside. The expectations, the hustle and bustle, the financial strain, etc. just exasperate the way you feel. Rather than making you feel better, it just adds “fuel to the fire”. And in the end; just makes you feel worse. Let me be honest and speak from my heart and give you some insight on what it feels like to suffer from depression in this most joyous season of the year. This is not being a pessimist but a realist.

I awaken this morning, with no time to decide on how I will feel; but instead I have this overwhelming, sad, empty, heavy urge to just cry. A grown, fifty-three (I mean 29) year old man who just wants to cry. What’s wrong with that? It’s certainly not “normal” and it’s certainly not the way I would choose to wake up. I just want this constant, tormenting illness to go away.There’s nothing I want more than  to enjoy life, not endure it. If I’m bringing you “down” please click the delete button.

Some of you are reading this and you have never experienced what I’m talking about, well good for you, I’m happy for you! The only time you have ever felt sad was when you lost a loved one (and for good reason), something tragic or devastating happened or some alarming trigger.. But for someone suffering from clinical depression, your life experiences have little to do with the way you feel. You suffer from an illness, like all illness (whether physical or mental) ;  you can’t wish it away, command it away, you can’t deny it away. All the positive thinking in the world will not change the way you feel deep down inside, a place where no one else can see. It is what it is; an illness.

But for those of you who know exactly what I’m talking about and I know you are out there. You may not be as open about talking about your illness as I am but that’s okay but just make sure you talk to someone. Don’t try to handle this by yourself; it can’t be done. Talk to someone. And don’t ever feel you are the only one that feels this way. It’s one of the world’s best kept secrets. And that is why we have such a drug, alcohol and suicide epidemic on our hands that will only get worse. People are afraid to talk about the way they are feeling due to the shame this illness brings, people will think you’re weak, the stigma, the ignorance of not knowing or not understanding this illness. When you suffer from this illness you will try anything to numb the pain, to relieve the hurt; I know because I have been there and still struggle today.

I know what it is to think that your family would be better off without you. You would improve their life if you weren’t in it. You could end this suffering and escape the pain and torment, once and for all. But don’t believe that lie, the pain will subside, you will improve. You just have to realize that with this illness, some days are going to be really rough. But you will have good days again. I have been suffering for over five years now, things have gotten better. Today is a really rough day but you see, this too shall pass. I cannot loose hope and neither can you.

We will beat this; one day, one hour,  one minute at a time. And remember you are loved; God loves you and so do I. Life is worth living, In spite of our illness. Don’t  put too much pressure on yourself; it’s okay, not to feel okay. There’s no one that feels okay all the time, no one is exempt. So chin up, shoulders back; “Tis the Season to be Jolly”. We can do this!




We say miracles come in all forms. Does miracles still happen today? Just what is a miracle? According to google dictionary it is, ” A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency”. In my opinion, that being God.

Have I ever experienced or seen an unexplainable, instantaneous miracle? Not in the way it’s defined, but I believe we experience miracles everyday. And most times they happen right before our eyes and we do not even realize it. But they do happen. Any day we can get out of bed is a miracle. The blooming of a flower is a miracle. The changing of the seasons is a miracle. Each breath  we take is a miracle. So yes I believe in miracles; even when I can’t see, I must believe.

Sometimes we pray for a miracle and it’s like our prayers went unheard. But I believe God hears every prayer we pray. They just may not be answered in the way we want or in the time we want. And when we feel God is so far away, really He is just by our side.

Sometimes in our human nature we question God and sometimes even blame God. But that’s our hurt speaking, not our heart. Jesus himself questioned God when He said, while hanging on the cross, “Why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Jesus felt like God had forsaken Him, like we sometimes feel. But God said, (Hebrews 13:5) “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you”. And I have to take Him at His Word. Because what better option do I have? None, it’s God or nothing.

God is the God of the impossible! He can do anything but God also has the choice to not answer our prayer in the way we want. WE have to have faith and trust that God knows what’s best. And lots of times I find it hard to see it that way, but I keep trusting in spite of it all. He is my only hope and one day, in His time, He will intervene.

Sometimes there’s the danger of when we ask for something and don’t get it, then we become angry and bitter. But that’s not what God wants for us, He wants us to have an abundant life. John 10:10 “…I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly”. When Dad was on his deathbed, he was not the least bit angry or bitter at God. He said, ” Either way I will win (with God he could not lose); either I will be healed or if that’s not God’d will then I will go Home to be with Him. And the verse of scripture comes to my mind; 2 Timothy 4:7,8 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing”. So I am looking forward to that day when I will see Dad again but also most of all, I will see Jesus. Then I’ll ask the reasons and He’ll tell me why.

So if Lauren doesn’t get her instantaneous healing to walk, then I’ll wait and trust that He knows best. But please God, give us the faith, strength, wisdom and courage to understand why and to leave it at that. For you are God in control!


Lauren’s Adventure to McDonalds (in her wheelchair)

When Lauren was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, little did we know what would be involved. From surgeries, botox injections, seizures, therapy, CP Clinics and the list goes on; it’s a never ending journey, always evolving. And that journey is not always on a smooth, straight road but many are the bumps, turns and potholes. But I would just like to elaborate on one such pothole that we’ve hit, many times and that being accessibility.

If you are not confined or dependent on a wheelchair or the person behind pushing the wheelchair, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. You so innocently take your accessibility into a building, restaurant, house; all for granted. Many times I have wished I could  take the owner of a business, a public building, etc. on a journey in the day of a life of someone in a wheelchair. Maybe just sit “them” in a wheelchair and say, ” now go and let’s see how far you get. Their view of accessibility would drastically change and maybe look at it in an whole new light. And sometimes that’s what it would take.

I’m going to zone in on one business in particular and come for a ride with us in Lauren’s wheelchair.

It was our first visit to McDonalds in Bay Roberts ( I love freedom of speech) when we moved here two years ago. We pulled into the parking lot and searched for the handicap parking spaces. Oops! not spaces; there was only one and that one was occupied. So I searched again for two regular parking spaces that could accommodate our side entry van. There it was, at the end of the parking lot but at least it would give us space to exit the van using the side entry ramp. Wow, nothing to that (I thought)!

Next we maneuvered our way through the parking lot and hit the curb sidewalk that we crossed, to only be faced with crossing the drive-thru entrance. A little dangerous for someone in a wheelchair or not. Then we got to the front door with no powered push button opener and then the second door, inside a porch smaller then the wheelchair; I was stressed to the max. Once inside I looked around for a wheelchair table, there was one but it was occupied. By this time I was so frustrated that I just wanted to leave but Miss Lauren was bent on getting her “happy” meal. So I obliged her and we sat in an aisle table. Then she wanted to go to the bathroom, I need not say more.

Then it was time to exit the restaurant, where would I start? But in order to get out of there I had to start my trek to get back to the van. Once I so anxiously got to the van; what to my wandering eyes should appear but another vehicle parked a foot from our entrance to the van. This made it impossible for us to access our van. What do we do? Wait, until whoever owned the vehicle to move, so we could pull out the ramp and enter the van. So we waited and waited…..

And that’s the story of our adventure to McDonalds in a wheelchair. And that’s when I became an advocate for accessibility (like I needed something else on my plate). Being an advocate certainly doesn’t win you any popularity contests, but that’s not why I do what I do. I do it to make change for the better, improve our society as an whole and to just make our world a better place to live for us “all”.

My advocacy began by making a phone call to the owner of McDonald’s , who listened to my concerns very attentively. I thought to myself, that was a little too easy. I was to learn later that I was right. He did tell me at that time that renovations were going to be done in the Fall and he would contact me for my input on accessibility.

The Fall came and construction began but no telephone call from the owner. So I thought, if changes were needed for accessibility, they would need to be implemented during construction, not after construction was complete. So I thought I would do the courteous thing and give him a call back to jog his memory on our past telephone conversation. I thought I must be talking to a different person, his professionalism just flew out the window. When it came to wheelchair accessibility he said, ” I will only do the “bare minimum” that is required to be considered accessible”. No regard, no compassion, no thought for those confined to a wheelchair; it was all business.

After that conversation I thought, okay, where do I go from here? I was more determined then ever. I went straight to the Government department responsible for enforcing the accessibility code/requirements. I told the department of my concerns and frustrations and they were totally on board. The next day they had an inspector sent out and several building code issues were enforced pertaining to accessibility. And for that I am, on behalf of my four year old daughter and all those who require proper accessibility, I say thank you. We now have push button door openers. Without advocating; these door openers were not in the plans and would not have been installed.

And to the owner of McDonald’s in Bay Robert’s (and out of courtesy I won’t give your name) but I say, “Shame On You”! I hope you will never have to be confined to a wheelchair or anyone in your family: but if you were, then you just might “get it” and have a heart. By the way, the renovations are really nice! Congratulations!



Dear Dad

Dear Dad,

I was just sitting here with Lauren asleep in my arms, pondering about the Christmas Season and you popped into my mind. I can’t believe so many years have passed already since you passed away, things sure haven’t been the same since you left and so much have happened and changed.

I never knew what lonely was before, until you left us. Now there’s a piece of my heart that will always be missing, a piece that only you could fill. I remember how much you loved Christmas and the ones you spent with us into St.John’s, they were such good times. Even when you would get on my nerves by clicking your teeth or picking your nose. lol

I wanted to write to let you know some of the things that have happened since you left. Mom has never been the same since you left, you must have taken part of her spirit, her heart with you when you left. We do what we can but that is so limited. She’s gone up to Claris and Monique’s for the winter; and to them we are thankful for doing that, at least now she’s not alone. Mom is in such constant pain and discomfort, so if you could put a word in for her; that the pain would stop, that would be great.

The last five years I have been really sick and oh so many times I wish I could just talk to you, you always made me feel better. You were always the first person I’d call when I wasn’t well and you would always come and touch my head ( I knew you were whispering a prayer for me). You always understood and knew the right words to say. So I’m calling you today to come and make things better. Lisa and I aren’t doing so well, you always called her my angel and loved her like a daughter and her you.

The past five years have really been rough, my sickness has taken it’s toll on both of us. We had to move out of St.John’s and you know how much I loved it there (it was MY home). We had no choice but to move to Bay Roberts, did you ever see that in my future; I sure didn’t, not in a million years. It’s growing on me but hasn’t been easy.

I really have some good news, I know you would be so happy and proud for us. We now have two children; bet you never thought I would be the one to carry on the Tucker name. Well Logan is now six and the most amazing little boy, you would just love him and I’m sure he would love to have a Poppy. But I tell him about you all the time and show him your picture. And Lauren is our little angel from Heaven, she is absolutely beautiful. She really needs your prayers, you see Dad, she can’t walk. I know she would just break your heart but please ask God if we could have a Christmas miracle, we don’t want anything else. My heart will never mend again, she would break the hardest of hearts. I know you would say, “isn’t she perdy (pretty) bye”. I will never give up believing for a miracle. But Dad, they are the happiest children you ever saw, in spite of it all.

Wish you could be here for this Christmas, that would be my Christmas wish. We miss you so much; you were the glue that kept us all together. You are missed more than words can say.  Thank you for being the best father any son could ever ask for. You left me with the greatest legacy possible. Your love for your family and your faith in God, taught me the greatest meaning in life.

Have the best Christmas ever, miss you and love you forever. Til we meet again (and we will),


Mental Illness and Spirituality

I’ve written a couple of blogs before entitled; “The Church and Mental Illness” and “Be Anxious For Nothing”. Please read them again or read them for the first time, if you haven’t already read them. I believe there are so many misunderstandings, misconceptions and lack of education when it comes to Mental Illness. I’d be the first to admit it is a very complex and complicated issue to deal with. I don’t fully understand it myself and I’ve experienced a mental illness all my life. But I feel compelled to write another blog on this topic, in hopes of helping us to understand, to educate ourselves on the issue and to help us better relate to someone with a mental illness.

This no doubt has been a very difficult week, I have fought my anxiety with everything I have in me. There were moments I felt I was loosing the battle. There were times when I thought my strength was gone and I could fight no more, I was so exhausted and fed up with life that I couldn’t understand the purpose of it all. It was all so overwhelming. The more I prayed to God, the further away He seemed. I felt like Job, when his wife said to him, “Curse God and die”(Job 2:9) But Job said,(Job13:15) “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him”. It’s so easy to trust when everything is going fine, but trust when everything seems out of control; that’s another story. But I will trust, even when my faith  is small and discouragement comes in like a cloud. I will stand fast and believe His promises, even when things are bleak and uncertain.

The church in general tend to expect a Christian not to feel this way. Christians should not be anxious or depressed. Because the Bible says, Philippians 4:6,7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. So why do I feel this way? I certainly have made my requests known to God. Does God not answer my prayers?  Does God not care about me? Do I not matter to Him? If I took these verses literally, all hope would be gone and I would give up and die.

I wish it were that easy and all I would have to do is give it to Him and BOOM! It would be gone. Sorry people/church but that’s not the way it always works. I have an anxiety disorder that is not gone away, I would hope and pray it would but God did not take this illness away from me. No more then He doesn’t always heal someone with cancer or any other illness, He can but chooses not to. But because mine is a mental one, I’m supposed to be rid of it by just making my request to God and it’s gone. That could work maybe for someone who has a math exam and are anxious but being anxious and having an anxiety disorder are two different things.

It would be so easy for me to be a Christian if God answered every requests I make to Him. But God doesn’t work like that, His will must be done. And in this life we will have trials, tribulations and sickness for which we may never understand. But being able to still believe in God when our requests are not granted is what I believe makes us a stronger, wiser and more compassionate Christian. Believe in spite of it all!

So if you’re a Christian and you are experiencing an anxiety disorder, depression, and any other mental illness. Then God still loves you even in your brokenness and if you haven’t had a healing, remember God is in control, He has no respect of persons. Believe in your heart that God will see you through no matter what the illness; deliverance or no deliverance, healing or no healing. You are a child of God even in your illness, God loves you!

Some churches (and I’m generalizing) have tried to explain it away by saying, “There must be sin in your life”. To that I would quote John 9:1-12, “Jesus saw a man who had been blind since birth. His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him”. Oh that God would use my illness to bring Glory to Him.

And then there’s the explanation of “You need to have more faith’. To which I would quote Matthew 17:20 “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard see, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there and it would move”. So our prayers aren’t answered by the amount of faith but by having faith.

This blog is not an attack on any church, but is meant to bring us all to a better understanding of God’s love, compassion, grace and mercy shown to each of us through His Son Jesus by whose stripes we are healed. And sometimes I believe that healing comes from acceptance of our illness and not a total miraculous recovery. I have said this many times before but it needs to be said again; “Mental illness is not a spiritual battle but an illness”. Until we come to that realization, the stigma of mental illness within the church body will  forever be present.




Surviving Christmas?

I have to write, there’s so many thoughts going through my head; I have to write, to escape, to free my mind. It’s that time of the year when “all is merry and bright”. The media portrays it’s the most magical, loving, and giving time of the year. And it could be to some extent. A time when family are all united, past hurts forgotten and love flows like milk and honey. Is this the reality or wishful thinking; an unattainable expectation? A fantasy land!

Oh how I wish the reality of Christmas could be nothing but peace on earth, love to all and all is well. But for many this is not the reality. Christmas can be the most lonely, stressful, misinterpreted time of the whole year. Especially for those who have lost a loved one, are suffering chronic or terminal illness or who feel all alone; in a society that’s filled with expectations that are far beyond the reality of what Christmas is meant to be.

For those (myself included) who suffer from depression; Christmas can be one of the most difficult times of the year. It’s a time when you are expected to be happy, excited, full of anticipation and joy. But really that’s not how you feel, you feel the total opposite and of course with that come feelings of guilt because you don’t feel the way you are expected to feel. But don’t be too hard on yourself, because you have this illness doesn’t mean that Christmas is going to make it go away. Just know that you will get through this; this too shall pass. The actual day will pass, much like a birthday; just another day.

Recently I was private messaged a question that I wish there was a concrete answer for. How do I survive the Holiday Season? Statistics show that the rate of suicides at this ‘Merry’ time of the year, is so much higher than any other time of the year. Thousands of homeless; remain homeless, Christmas doesn’t change that. Countless people are starving and will sadly starve; but the Christmas spirit still moves on despite world hunger. War still rages through countries with no hope of peace, no end to conflict. Terrorists attacks and evil will still move through our land, even when Christmas offers us peace, hope and love.

Truthfully the only real  means and hope of surviving the “Holiday Season” is by embracing the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not all about us, but about the one who came to bring hope, love and inward peace; that being the birth of Jesus. So we have to shift our focus from us to Him!  Amidst all the commercialization and rush to buy, buy, buy; it’s easy to loose our focus on what the true meaning of ‘Christmas’ is. But may we remember to redirect our thoughts to what’s important this Christmas. It’s not about the hustle and bustle but the time spent with those we love, the quiet times, being thankful for what we do have and not wallowing in what we don’t have. Truly reflect on the good that is still out there and may we do our part to spread that good cheer to those who are hurting this Christmas. That is the true meaning of Christmas!

It’s not about surviving the Christmas Season but embracing it and finding the good in all the little miracles that are still all around us. Just has God sent His Son this Christmas Season to be the Prince of Peace. May you know in your heart once again; that inward peace that can only come from your Creator.

The Aftermath of my Depression and Anxiety

It’s ironic how I wrote this blog; I wrote the content before I wrote the opening paragraph. That’s me, never do things the normal  way, just being my unique self. The main thing is, I still get the job done. This being a chronic disorder, I still have to face each day has if I’m climbing a mountain. It takes hard work, perseverance and stamina. But you do what you have to do in order to survive.

Nighttime comes and I and I anticipate my escape from my thoughts and feelings, just maybe sleep will give me some reprieve. I do sleep fairly well, thanks to mirtazaphine , but my dreams/nightmares are frightening and tormenting. Just last night, I was on a locked down physc ward and trying to escape; but there was no way out. Because of the trauma I experienced during that period of my illness, seems to haunt me even to this day. I guess it’s my biggest fear that those days will return. I try not to live in fear but deep down in my subconscious, that fear at times resurfaces. I do trust and pray that God will spare me the horrific trauma of ever having to relive that nightmare.

Morning arrives and the first thing I have to do is to debrief myself; that those dreams and nightmares are just that, they are not real. But none the less they are a constant reminder of my past living hell, that will try to follow me through my day. I guess I am still experiencing a lot of post traumatic thoughts that I just can’t turn on or shut off. But I just pray that God will one day allow me to forget.

After debriefing is done and I desperately try to move past it; I am faced with the thoughts of how am I going to face the day with my limited strength and focus. My head is in a fog. The day seems so overwhelming and I feel so powerless over it, it’s then I go to my knees and ask God once again, for the thousandth time, to give me strength, purpose and wisdom. Even when I have days when I feel I can’t do this anymore, and I do have those days, then I believe God moves in and carries me.

Do I believe my illness has made me weak? Well sometimes I do think that but then that still small voice tells me; you are strong. If I were weak I would have given up a long time ago. Society taught us has men, that if we show our emotions then we must be weak; that is so far from the truth. It does show that we have compassion, humbleness and a caring spirit.  And to those who have succumbed to this illness, I am most certainly not saying they are weak but the pain of their illness was just too unbearable. If I were weak (by society’s standards), I would have given up a long time ago. But I pray that God will give me “continued” strength for everyday that lies ahead. Because in our little family we have so many uncertainties, unknowns and fears. But we will conquer  them one day, one hour, one minute at a time, through the strength of our Heavenly Father. Because there are days when you wonder how you are going to keep going, but you just do! What choice do we have?

One of the biggest adjustments still to this day is performing a task, a task that before just came natural and you didn’t even have to think about it; you just did it. But now that task seems so big, overwhelming and I have to over rationalize it. It is still a work in progress and I believe one day will get easier. A good example would be, I’m singing in the Christmas Cantata. Now, I have been singing since I came out of the womb and absolutely love it, it’s my passion. But now it comes with much fear, thoughts of; I can’t do it, I’m not good enough, inadequate and the list goes on. I have to do much mind control and self talk to override those negative thoughts. None the less, it takes much hard work to perform any task and that can be just exhausting. My day is only half done and fatigue overwhelms me. So I do what I can, just on a lower scale and try not to take on more than I can handle.

Have you ever had a task to do and you had to go to the next room in the house to do it and by the time you got there, you forgot what the task was? Well that’s the story of my life now. Just the other day I was supposed to be returning the water jug to the refrigerator and when I realized it, I had the coffee pot; now that’s scary. Because of my disorder, it’s my brain that’s affected, thus my memory and train of thought are/was highly affected. Now whether that’s from the medication, ECT treatments or aftershocks of the disorder; I’m not quite sure what the cause is. Maybe all of the above. Whatever the case, I cannot trust to my memory anymore, if there’s something I need to remember, I have to write it down.  If I have a speaking engagement, I have to write it down; I cannot trust my mind. Then there are times when I’m in the middle of a conversation and I just loose my train of thought. This happens too frequently and becomes a little bothersome. Maybe I need to eat more bananas, they’re supposed to be brain food.

So you see, even after all this time, I still have to fight this dreaded disorder. But I am so thankful for my improvement and believing that with each day will come renewed strength. It’s because of this hope that I can face each new day, despite my disturbed feelings of depression and anxiety.                                                       

I Want To Skate Like “Bruddy”

I’m beginning to realize our battles with Lauren have only just begun. And we already feel exhausted from making sure that Lauren’s rights are met.  We are supposedly living in an all inclusive society. A place where children are not singled out has being different. But I think where all children are equal, regardless of their disabilities. And never tell a child they can’t do something because the have an impairment.

Our dilemma, this time, began when we signed Logan up for CanSkate, who’s only requirement was an helmet, pair of skates and a fee. So on Logan’s first week of skating, I took Lauren along with us to watch ‘Bruddy’ skate. So when Logan got on the ice and we turned to go to a viewing area, Lauren started to scream and cry. When I asked, “what was wrong”. She answered, “I want to skate like ‘Bruddy’. I tried to distract her but she had her mind made up, “I’m going on the ice”. So I consoled her by telling her I’d call  and we would see if we could get her signed up for skating. Lisa arrived and went to talk to someone about signing her up, even with CP.  So the lady said, “sure no problem, this was an all inclusive club and by law were required to accept anyone wanting to join. Three weeks later we finally (after Lisa emailed to check on the hangup) got an email that saddened us so much. There were requirements and recommendations that stated in the email from CBNSC; “Sorry for the delay, we contacted SkateNL for recommendations who in turn forwarded our email to SkateCanada for further  recommmendations”. Is Lauren the only disabled child in Canada who applied for CanSkate?  And Logan could join, no questions asked, but Lauren was different and neither of the three clubs were prepared to register a disabled child! We try to instill in Lauren that she can do anything she wants to do , but maybe in a modified way. ” Their suggestions (SkateCanada) were to allow her to wear her double bladed skates and to use a red glider. Now Lauren can’t use a walker let alone a glider. The only other requirement was that there be an adult program assistant with her at all times”. All other children could use a juniour PA because they were “normal kids”. The catch being; there are no adult PA’s in the CBNSC. So we were expected to find our own, “they suggested that this could be a parent”. It’s our intention to treat  Lauren like Logan and be like the other kids; using a PA. Not her parents, we want to teach her independence, to meet and trust other people and be just like all kids. “Also to be required to pay the SkateCanada Insurance fee of 32.65” (for the parent). If this was what we wanted; we could take Lauren to the Parent and Tot Program for free, rather then paying SkateCanada for the same service. “Lauren is permitted to start skating once ALL recommendations from SkateCanada are met”.

I called the CBNSC to state my concerns, then SkateNL, no response, then SkateCanada. After having a satisfactory and pleasant conversation with SkateCanada, I was told they took my issues very seriously and would be working on them the first thing Monday morning, because it was now 4:00 on Friday and the office was closing. I received a text from CBNSC, I texted back saying that it was okay, I had contacted SkateCanada; I think that “upset the cart”. She called anyway (against my wishes) in which I said, I didn’t need to speak with her, I was satisfied with SkateCanada and could have ended the conversation there. And I had to end the call by saying, ” I’m finished this conversation because it’s getting nowhere. which she didn’t hear because she was too busy ranting in the phone and I ended the call. She then called back, I didn’t answer, I was finished with this conversation. She left an unpleasant message: I then had to block her number. She kept saying that they were only looking out for her protection. And  SkateCanada had the nerve to say, “and the protection of the others”. If they were so concerned about her protection then provide her with her own Adult Assistant, I’m sure they could find someone in NL. Or if they can’t provide the proper protection for disabled children, then maybe they should  say we can’t handle disabled children in the first place. And exclude them because proper protection is not available by the club.

It’s kind of ironic because it was only recently that Lauren participated in the “Blind Hockey Canada” because she has a vision impairment. The attendants were all volunteer juniour hockey members who skated with Lauren by holding their hands under her arms and skated around the rink like a pro. She was so excited and needed no assistance from Mommy or Daddy. She was a big girl now, skating all by herself; just like ‘Bruddy’.

I feel if Blind Hockey Canada can provide this service then so should SkateCanada. We left with a sense of pride and accomplishment. But with our email from CBNSC, it just left us deflated and discouraged. Sometimes when “we are only looking out for her protection”, it reinstates that she is disabled and has a parent you can take that has an insult. Lauren’s hurts won’t come from falling down on the ice but being constantly reminded that she is different and certainly not always included in the “Norm”!.


The ways in which I feel Lauren is and was discriminated against is;

  1. She was not offered registration immediately, three weeks later and “they” are still working on the logistics as stated in an email of October 6, we are now in week four.
  2. The email of October 6 from CBNSC and I’m quoting; “the possibility of registering Lauren for CanSkate program”. Implying it was a possibility not a certainty.
  3. If SkateCanada already had a policy in place concerning disabled children and were confident in how to register that child, then why the logistics between CBNSC, SkateNL, SkateCanada? Were they not competent enough to handle the situation and carry out a stress free registration that should have been handled in one day, like our son who is “normal” child.
  4. SkateCanada are responsible to have PA’s available and not expect a parent or guardian to be on the ice. Again pointing out that Lauren is different because she requires her Mommy and Daddy, and not a regular PA.
  5. If we had known that we would have encountered all this discrimination and and differential treatment of one of our children over the other, then neither would have been considered to join SkateCanada.
  6. If Skate Canada was so all inclusive has they claim, why wasn’t the proper protocol already in place; at a time in which a disabled child registered. Rather then all this disconnection between CBNSC, SkateNL, SkateCanada. I believe they are not has all inclusive has what they claim  or I would NOT be writing this blog. It’s obvious that neither club knew just what to do with a child with a disability.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Note:                                                                                                                                                                October 17  Conversation I had with SkateCanada                                                                      I talked things over with my wife and we decided that neither of our children will be a part of CanSkate because of the strained relationship we feel we now have with the club. We do wish to have a full refund of our son’s fee which can be forwarded to us by mail at……..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      As of today; November 4th we have NOT received a reimbursement.