Have you ever heard of the iceberg analogy for “invisible” illnesses? Illnesses that are invisible to the outside world are like an iceberg; others see just the tip and don’t realize there’s a massive structure hidden beneath the water. Living with major depression and anxiety disorder (my diagnosis); I’ve come to realize that mental illness is far more complex then what is visible; it goes much deeper.

Depression is much more than feeling sad. That’s just the tip of the iceberg! And those who have never experienced it for themselves, can never fully understand just what it is or even what it feels like. It can strip your world of all it’s colour and all you see is grey.
Similarly, anxiety isn’t just about worrying. It’s a disorder that can creep upon you at anytime and petrify you, making even simple decisions feel overwhelming. Even simple tasks that once came so easy are now insurmountable.
How have I survived? With a lot of hard work; chipping at that iceberg, one piece at a time. Never giving up!! Even on days when you really want to. Always believing that hope will bring a better day tomorrow. And do you know what? It does! Without hope I could never make it through the day. You have to believe in a power that is greater than yourself, an higher power; and that hope, that power can only be found in a God that is all powerful. He gives me strength and hope to face each day. I have proven this to be true. And you can too!