It seems like summer is flying by and before long the kids will all be back to that hateful word they call, “school”. But having said that, both Logan and Lauren just love school and are anticipating going back, I think Lauren loved it so much that she would have skipped summer holidays altogether. Now as their parents, I think we are kind of looking forward to getting back into a routine and a scheduled daily practice. Whatever the case, before we know it Fall will be on the horizon. Maybe one of the most beautiful seasons of the year with it’s exquisite array of earth tone colours blanketing the landscape all around us.
For now, let’s stay in the summer season and not wish away the time. I certainly wouldn’t do that, I wish summer could last forever. This has been one of the better summers I had in a long time, mentally speaking, not saying that it hasn’t had it’s share of struggles and challenges. The Spring and early Summer for me was a tough time, my mental health wasn’t what I would call great; I was fighting just to be okay. It got to a point where I knew I had to do something medically or if not I was spiralling downward into that dark hole of despair. As I already alluded to this in my previous blog, my doctor did prescribe 2mg of Abilify to my already existing regimen of medication.And to my amazement I believe it has helped me in a way that I have more energy, I now want to do things, I don’t have that hopeless and helpless feeling of utter grief. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not doing any cartwheels but neither am I nonfunctioning; there are some things that I now can do that I couldn’t do before. And sometimes it’s those little things that matter the most, the things that most people probably take for granted. But for someone like myself who suffers from chronic depression and anxiety, every little thing matters so much. The reason being, that in a moment all of that could change. But that is why I live in the moment or at least I desperately try to. I try not to dwell on the past or the future but I live for the moment because really that is all we are guaranteed and all that we really have.
Having a predisposed genetic mental illness leaves you with that fear that you are not totally in control of your own mental health. Yes, you can do everything right, everything that is medically available to you, everything that you know that could improve your mental health but there are no guarantees. Although I’m feeling okay right now (I didn’t say perfect or great or cured); I’m okay. But down in the recesses of my mind lurks that ever present monster, just waiting to pounce, waiting to devour you and leave you mentally drained and exhausted.
I live with that fear every day, does that fear always win? No, but on bad days, days that I have no control over; I lose my battle. But then I start all over again. And that’s what I have to do; start all over again! Never give up, never give in! Fight!