Amidst world devastation and uncertainty imposed by President Putin and the Russian regime on, not only Ukraine but the whole world, we all try our best to maneuver our way through this thing we call, LIFE. For some it ‘seems’ that life is a walk in the park. While for others, it’s a never ending battle to just survive. I won’t speak any further on the horrific war in Ukraine because I am certainly not an expert in that area. I certainly won’t turn a blind eye to what’s happening in the world but right now that can be just a little overwhelming. But I will speak on what I know best, that being my journey through life with a mental illness and how that affects every area of our/my life.
Today and for the pass several days, I’ve been in isolation in the bunker of our basement, cut off from the rest of my family and the world, fighting this horrible virus that we are all too familiar with, COVID! I haven’t been able to comment on this virus personally because I never had it before. But now I can! For those who have minimized this variant called omicron and have let down your guard, please remember our most vulnerable and our death rates; these people matter too! I am doing what I have to do to protect both my kids, especially my daughter who has CP and my elderly mother in law (who is staying at our house) both who are extremely vulnerable. My own personal experience with omicron is far from mild; I can barely lift my head off the pillow, therefore I’ve been out of production for days, unable to function! And believe me when I say, I cannot be sick, Lisa and I are Lauren’s 24/7 caregivers and yesterday Lisa tested positive for Covid. So I’m praying Lisa won’t get really sick, at least not until I am well enough to take over the care for everyone in our household. This has yet again been a nightmare!
I guess if I can say, ‘there has been a little flicker of excitement this week, despite everything else.’ My book, ‘Beyond the Door’ is now published and available for distribution. The best place to purchase your copy would be at Amazon.ca. This book will never make me rich, it was never about that. It was time, time to tell my story, time to find a source of therapy to release the raging war within my mind, a time to let others know that they were not alone and to help them to realize that the light will shine again for those who are in the depths of darkness. Then lastly, this book should give those who have never suffered a mental illness, a better understanding, a new way of looking at this so stigmatized, prejudicial and isolating illness. So please get your copy and let’s break down some walls! Let’s talk!

I guess my purpose in writing today is threefold. One, it’s something I can do without having to lift my head off my pillow. Two, writing helps with my mental health, which at the moment I wouldn’t say was that great, isolation does nothing for one’s mental well-being. And thirdly, to remind us all that we need each other, we must never take our health for granted and do whatever it takes to protect ourselves and others from harm, no matter what the cost. War can teach us one thing and that is the selflessness of those who so freely give of their lives to save the lives of others.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”