I know sometimes it seems like my blog is all about my own illness and sometimes that’s probably true because I feel I can talk about myself and it doesn’t bother me too much. I try desperately to update and fill you in on Lauren’s journey with her cerebral palsy. But to be honest; I often put it off because at times it is just too painful to write about. An innocent angel that doesn’t deserve what life has put in her path. The last time I shared was on May 16th, when Lauren had her osteotomy on her left hip. And then she was in a spica cast for 6 weeks; we did all survive but it was rough going. Lauren has had more then her share of pain and challenges. And then there’s Logan who’s caught in between all this chaos. But he’s such a great, big brother; they just adore each other.
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse; on June 26th she had the cast removed. We were certainly not prepared for the horrific pain that Lauren would have to endure. For weeks, every time she moved she would go into a rage of screaming in pain and fear. This was especially difficult for Logan as well, he didn’t like for his little sister to be in so much pain.
It’s now July 8th and Lauren is still having pain and pretty much confined to her bed where she fines most relief from pain. She is very limited now to what she can do; she does sit up in her chair for approximately 45 minutes but then she wants to go back to bed. And riding in the van is very uncomfortable and painful, especially on a bumpy road and most of our roads are fairly rough. I was putting her in the van today and she said, ‘are the roads bumpy today?’.
Today, July 10th, Lauren saw her surgeon again. He wanted to do the other hip next week but couldn’t get it worked out, so he is now hoping for the following week. How are we going to put her through all of this again? Oh my God, life is so unfair. No matter how many tears that fall, it doesn’t change a thing. No matter how many prayers we pray, the reality of the torture, pain and tears don’t go away.
The continuous, never ending surgery after surgery consumes every ounce of strength we have. Days when you feel you have nothing left to give but you have to go on. So much depends on us, so much responsibility, so much care. Lord, how do we do this again and again? My faith cries out to you today, please help! We cannot do this alone; a power, a strength greater than ourselves has to intervene. Please help us to trust in you. Our ship is sinking in this storm of life; please wake up, don’t you care that we perish?