Nyholm Shepard

  • Great move Mr. Jason Mcdonald Death-Dead  / Obituary : Jason Mcdonald may have passed away. ! I’ve never seen a President in my lifetime who has had more honor and glory for the military! Even our veterans say this. Go visit veterans hospitals and veterans nursing homes and now there’s day cares for veterans. They tell you thank goodness for Pre…[Read more]

  • Great move Mr. President! I’ve never seen a President in my lifetime who has had more honor and glory for the military! Even our veterans say this. Go visit veterans hospitals and veterans nursing homes and now there’s day cares for veterans. They tell you thank goodness for President Trump! They get care like they should! They want for not…[Read more]

  • Great move Mr. President! I’ve never seen a President in my lifetime who has had more honor and glory for the military! Even our veterans say this. Go visit veterans hospitals and veterans nursing homes and now there’s day cares for veterans. They tell you thank goodness for President Trump! They get care like they should! They want for not…[Read more]

  • Nyholm Shepard became a registered member 4 years, 4 months ago