
  • Feroz Ali posted an update 3 years ago

    Staying Healthy: Pharmacist Careers

    Pharmacist’s duties include filling prescriptions and inspecting orders. All related information on medications for patients must be accurate as a pharmacist instructs patients on how and when to take a prescribed medication. Pharmacists relate contraindications and list side effects that might be experienced when taking a medication. General health advice on exercise and diet plus managing stress is also part of a good pharmacist’s job description.

    Many pharmacies, drugstores, department stores, general merchandise, clinics and hospitals employ those with a Doctor of Pharmacy of Pharm D degree. research topics in biostatistics Being a pharmacist is highly lucrative and the median annual salary is around $112,000. There are always openings for pharmacists who have graduated from an accredited program. The projection of employment opportunities is high.

    To become a board certified pharmacist, budding pharmacists must have a bachelor’s degree plus a four year Pharm D program degree. At the end of pharmacy schooling you will actually have a doctorate degree. Begin by entering into a field that includes chemistry, biology or anatomy. The most popular bachelor’s degree programs when anticipating a pharmacy degree includes biology or chemistry. Study hard and your good grades will give you the keys to enter into an accredited school. You will also need to pass the Pharmacy College Admissions Test or PCAT.

    The first two years of pharmacy school will include biostatistics, bio pharmaceutics and physical chemistry. You will also be required to pass immunopharmacology and applied drug information as well as pharmaceutical calculations. The next two years of pharmacy school will include intensive curriculums with clinical experience and supervised pharmacy rotations. Years three and four will involve general pathology, chemotherapy and introductory pharmacy practice experiences.

    Acertificated and program specific pharmacy school requires that you pass program essential competencies that include demonstrating critical thinking and decision making, communication abilities, ethical behaviors and effective leadership. To be a competent pharmacist it is very important to learn, understand and demonstrate cultural differences and competencies, have a professional demeanor, and ultimately know how to evaluate drug orders and prescriptions. Clerical duties of pharmacists include managing systems for storage, dispensing and preparation of medications.

    A viable pharmacy license is required to practice pharmacy is all fifty United States. This license can be acquired after all the schooling, clinical practice and passing the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination or NAPLEX. Do study the laws of the state you prefer to practice in; knowledge of these laws will be included on your licensure test.

    When you have received your Pharm D degree and license, the public will be confident that you can apply your knowledge in medication therapies, educate the public and healthcare professions about the different types of medications and their interactions with each other and have the ability to promote wellness and healthy lifestyles.

    A competent and trusted pharmacist is able to evaluate relevant data and work with physicians to design treatment regimens. Knowledge is also needed to evaluate the different types of mediations on the market and formulate cost effective therapeutic options for patients. It is also helpful if a pharmacist has experience or a business background to operate a pharmacy site.