
  • Faheemkhatri4 posted an update 2 years, 11 months ago

    Mind Your Manners! Social Etiquette in the Online Gaming World

    If you were to sit down at a table with a few other people to play cards in the real world, you would know what to do and say to get along with everyone else. You would know what not to say and do as well. Unfortunately, too many people forget their manners when they play online games. If you spend any amount of time playing interactive games online, pay attention to these tips and learn to mind your manners. Your handle or screen name should not be offensive to others.

    There is pressure to come up with screen names or handles that are quirky or fun, but make sure you do not insult others while getting your kicks. If you enter a game new world coins buy or gaming chat room with a name that turns others off, you will not have the pleasant gaming experience you are looking for. There are people who want to cause controversy and stir up trouble so they can have sinister fun, but most likely that is not the experience you want to have.

    You never know who will be playing with in you online, regardless of what their avatars or online pictures may look like. It is best to name yourself something that doesn’t step on other’s toes. Make sure your language is appropriate to the online games you are playing.

    Some online games are specifically for adults while others allow minors to play along with the adults. You have to pay attention to the atmosphere of the games you play and adjust your language accordingly. If you tend to use a lot of foul language, you might tone it down if you were sitting in a room with children. The same approach should be taken when having fun with online gaming. There are times when rough language may be okay, but it isn’t always okay.

    Display good sportsmanship. If someone beats you, it does not mean that they have a “computer” making them win. If you are playing a team game and you are continually beat, it does no good to accuse the other team of cheating. Remember the rules of good sportsmanship on the field outside the Internet, and apply them to your life online. Do not rub your wins in the face of the losers and do not act like a spoiled loser when things do not go your way. Remember, it is just a game! It is all about fun.

    Give the new players a break.

    It can get annoying when new players ask the same questions over and over or can’t quite figure out how to sit at a table or work other functions of a game. Keep in mind that you were once a new player and you might not have always done things correctly. Rather than assuming someone is an idiot, help them out so they figure things out faster and the game can continue.

    Save the spam for email. Online gamers go online to enjoy themselves, not to be sold products. If you throw spam up in the chat forms you will receive backlash. Try becoming an active member of the gaming site and earning their trust, rather than spamming them.

    Online games are tons of fun, but only if everyone remembers their manners. This is a social environment just like any other.