
  • Aniyah Ayers posted an update 2 years, 6 months ago

    How to Treat Different Types of Cancer

    Cancer can be a serious threat to your health. It kills many people each year and costs millions of dollars to find a cure. It is easy to see how someone would want to know how to stop cancer. Unfortunately, no one really knows how to stop cancer. What we do know is that the spread of cancer is a major concern.
    Cancer spread occurs when cancer cells penetrate the lining of the bloodstream or lymph nodes and travel through the bloodstream to new locations in the body. Metastasis is simply the growth of cancer cells, usually from the primary tissue source, throughout the body. A metastasized tumor, or metastatic cancer, is one which has spread from its original site of origin, through the bloodstream, to other areas of your body. There are several ways cancer spreads through the body. Therapy can help stop some forms of cancer but there is no way to stop it all.
    Bone marrow is the foundation of all blood cell production. Cancer spreads through the bloodstream by way of this pathway. The most common cancer type that uses this pathway is breast cancer. The cancer then spreads to the bones, liver, lungs and other tissues. Sometimes, the cancer spreads so quickly that it overwhelms other organs.
    When someone has an aggressive form of سرطان, the doctor may recommend treatment using drugs to try to kill the cancer. There are many different types of drugs used for cancer treatment. Some are used to treat the symptoms of cancer such as sweating and hair loss. These side effects of treatment can actually make the cancer worse. Other drugs are given to treat tumors that are not responding to traditional therapy. These include those that are called antineoplastics and chemotherapies.
    In addition to drug therapy, doctors sometimes use cancer treatments that are focused on improving the overall immune system of the patient. Cancer cells thrive in a weak immune system. By increasing the strength of the immune system, doctors can reduce the amount of cancer cells that will grow and spread in the body. This type of treatment also helps to make the patient more able to fight off other diseases that the body may encounter.
    Melanoma is the most dangerous form of cancer. It has the potential to spread from one part of the skin to another part of the skin or from the skin to other parts of the body. If left untreated, melanoma can spread to the lymph nodes, eye, lungs and heart. This is why it is especially important to get checked out for any symptoms of melanoma.